After receiving your order, you have 30 days to change your mind. Simply return the product in perfect condition in its original packaging.

In line with the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, products must be returned in their original packaging, in perfect condition and with all the accessories and leaflets if any, together with the original VAT receipt.

Items returned incomplete, spoilt, damaged or worn cannot be accepted.


We guarantee a secure connection with several methods of payment provided for you to make your purchase with peace of mind through credit card and PAYPAL.

In addition, all the information entered in the My Account section is encrypted. We thus make sure your confidential data is protected. For this we use an SSL certificate.


Sunglasses protect the eyes from the harmful and unpleasant effects of sunlight. At Solaris, all our sunglasses offer you 100% UV protection.

To meet specific needs, choose the protection index most suitable for your activity, environment and sun glare.



The Solaris warranty card covers breakages and damages to sunglasses. The damages reflect those damages on lenses and temples of the sunglasses.

If the repair is not possible then, the sunglasses will be replaced. Theft/loss and ophthalmic lenses are not covered.


The price paid for the Warranty card depends on the price of sunglasses covered by the warranty:

- 10€ for sunglasses less than 100€.

- 15€ for sunglasses from 100 to 199€.

- 20€ for sunglasses from 200 to 299€.

- 30€ for sunglasses from 300€ and beyond.


Claiming conditions: maximum of two claims for repair during the one year after the date of purchase.

The card is no longer valid after 2 repairs, 1 replacement or when the validity date has expired.


*Terms and Conditions Apply

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